Lead Construction Project Manager | 3300 Northern Blvd MTA Tenant Expansion | LIC, NY
July 2024 - Q4 2024
Building History
3300 Northern Boulevard is an 8-story masonry-concrete commercial building built in 1914 originally as a Ford assembly plant. The building now houses the New York City Human Resources Administration (HRA) and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) as its primary tenants. In 2022, 60 Guilders LLC, a New York City-based real estate investor and manager, and Sixth Street, a global investment firm, acquired the building for $173 million. This acquisition led to the renovation & project scope as further defined:
Project Scope
The Project was split into two applications: The 1st and 5th floors as one Alt-2 application; and the 6th, 7th and 8th floors as another. **It was imperative that the 6th, 7th, and 8th floors remained active, which included 24/7 operational areas and phased operations for the current Tenant (MTA)
1st & 5th Floors – New Construction Expansion for (EMD) Warehouse & Modernized Office Space:
1. Limited demolition and floor preparation
2. New walls for storage containment, LAN room, new restrooms, and incoming pathways
3. New and modified Mechanical, Sprinkler (pre-action), Lighting, Fire Alarm, Power, and Security systems
4. Provide new core drills and trenching to pull new power/data supplies and extend conduits to workstations
5. Supply new power feeds from the incoming POE service to the roof for (2) new steel supported emergency generators
6. 5th floor to be a full office space fit out including open area workstations, interior office front partitioned offices, and multi-use/conference/training rooms. This floor will serve as the overhead transition space for MEPS services to all floors above.
6th, 7th, &​ 8th Floors – Renovation & Upgrade of Existing Spaces:
1. Demolition within construction zones specified by the Construction Manager
2. New Mechanical, Sprinkler, Lighting, Fire Alarm, Power, Security, and IT systems
3. Furniture removal and relocation
4. Relocation and install of new UPS system and room. **UPS system shall at any time not be interrupted and run 24/7 during the existing to new system switch over.
5. Existing demolished offices, workstation areas, conference, and utility-based rooms to be re-constructed as spaces serving MTA modernized operations which includes new interior office fronts, Tele/Security/IT upgrades, and provisions for new equipment.
Role as Lead Project Manager
While serving as the Lead PM of the Empire Cadillac Flagship Showroom project and serving as a Purchasing PM for small scale office conversions, I was brought on board to fulfil a 3rd role as the Purchasing PM for my company's pursuit in the award of this project. Upon developing relationships with new Trade Contractors and reinforcing those I have made in the previous years, our Team's efforts (including the bids we received from Trade contractors) lead to the award of this fast pace build out. We quickly positioned our Team to follow an ever-changing Tenant Operations Phasing plan that I lead and revised to accommodate the client so we could begin the (4) month (26) bid package construction schedule.
As pictured above, this 4th and not final version of the construction schedule phasing plan served as a live document visual for Trade turnovers and Tenant accessibility/area completions. The 6th, 7th, and 8th floors as exemplified here by the red and green highlighted areas on this 8th floor plan were to remain open and required daily coordination for operations within the blue highlighted construction zone and any work within these areas. In addition to the responsibilities of a Lead PM (including tailoring and running the weekly Owner-Architect-Engineer meeting for 30+ stake holders), I served as a co-superintendent since our schedule required us to start all (5) floors within days of project start. Before my decision to move on from the company, our CM Team of three which included a Project Engineer, Superintendent, and myself lead normal and 2nd shift construction and tenant protection operations to ensure the 1st of this (4) month project duration met our client's standards.